Sports News of Monday, 25 July 2016


'No Liberty player is dead'

Liberty Professionals Communication Manager, Godfred Akoto Boafo has debunked reports claiming a player of their juvenile team has died.

According to the report, goalkeeper Issaka Mohammed collapsed and died after colliding with an opposing player during a football game.

Despite confirming the death of the young goalkeeper, Mr Akoto said, the team Liberty Youth has no link with Premiership side Liberty Professionals.

“A lot of inaccuracies in the story regarding the death of Issaka Mohammed. Surprised nobody has called Liberty to check and yet a lot has been written.

“Issaka plays for Liberty Youth; a team coached and owned by Wahid Mohammed. There is no link between Liberty Professionals and Youth. It is not our Youth side.

“No player of Liberty Professionals FC has died.The young man who unfortunately lost his life today played for Liberty Youth.Different Club.”