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Soccer News of Friday, 1 July 2016


Techiman City threaten to pull out of the Ghana premier league if……..?

CEO of Techiman City Charles Ntim CEO of Techiman City Charles Ntim "Micky Charles"

Following the flamboyant start to the Ghana Premier League without a headline-sponsor,President of Techiman City, Charles Ntim aka "Micky Charles" wants to withdraw from the league after playing sixteen matches, President of the Club says if no sponsors come on board as soon as possible they will pull out of the league.

According to the president of Techiman City, the financial predicaments faced by the 16 clubs need proper and careful examination as they cannot continue playing without money.

“Some clubs have not paid their players for close to eight months while others have not even paid the signing-on fees of their new players. But we are told to start the league,” Micky told Adom FM.

“For us, we will only continue the league if sponsors come on board because the FA president promised the teams of bringing sponsors before the second round start, I have Samara Company Ltd but still is very difficult to round the club, I have not writing to the Ghana football Association yet but i still stand by my words.

Club President Abdul Salam Yakubu who had earlier hinted his plans to withdraw from the League served the Ghana Football Association (GFA) and the Premier League Board (PLB) with a notice indicating they have pulled out of the League.