Sports Features of Thursday, 24 March 2005

Source: Chronicle

The Controversy Over Nyaho Resignation Call

Deepening the woes of Ghana soccer administration

UNDER THE constitution of the Federation of International Football Association (FIFA), once a chairman of a country's soccer governing body has not ended his tenure of office, no government official has the right to call for his head.

An FA chairman can only be removed from office by FIFA, only when he embezzles funds of his outfit.

Against this backdrop, fears are growing over the state of soccer administrative affairs in the country.

Pathetic of all was the call by the minister for Education and Sports, Hon. Yaw Osafo-Maafo for the resignation of the FA chairman, Dr Nyaho-Tamakloe.

This, indeed, has been described by majority of soccer fanatics, as an approach to deepen the woes of the nation's soccer administration.

For Hon. Osafo-Maafo, the FA chairman must resign from his position because almost all the premier clubs have no confidence in him, and do not want to work with him.

But that stance of the minister, is without basis. Under the FIFA regulations, the fact that a section of the clubs in Ghana have risen against Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe, does not mean the FA chairman is incompetent.

Dr. Nyaho Tamakloe is championing a cause of good fight, for all FA chairmen, who may hold the enviable position.

It is rather disheartening that the Ghana League Clubs Association (GHALCA) is appearing to be untouchable in the country, and has control of the final decision making of the country's sports.

How sad and shameful for Ghana soccer! For the records, the FA and the Professional League Board (PLB) have the right to demote or promote any club, but it appears, in Ghana, those at the helm of affairs fear to act accordingly.

A clear case was when Accra Hearts of Oak refused to play Kumasi Asante Kotoko in the 2004 Premier league champion decider.

Here, as toothless as the PLB was, it woefully failed to punish Hearts, for failing to honour the Match, thus, ignoring the rules and regulations of the sport.

What a prejudice! It is a shame to the country's soccer, for not having a 2004 league champion, as at now.

Instead of looking for an intelligent solution to the problems, certain people are gambling to appose others for selfish gains.

If this is the way the nation's soccer would be governed, God Save us! GHALCA, it is learnt, is trying to prevent local players from featuring for the national team in any national assignments, forgetting that it has no right to do so, under FIFA's laws.

How can a mere association of clubs, whose decisions are made by a few Accra Representatives take over the administration of soccer in the country?

Wonders of wonders, the association once wanted to take over the FA, a stance that angered a lot of soccer enthusiast during the Ben Koufie FA administration.

This, arguably, shows that those in the helm of GHALCA affairs do not have the betterment of Ghana soccer at heart, and are only looking for selfish gains.

The preceding factor is what Hon. Osafo-Maafo, ought to have noticed, and act swiftly on, as an alternative to asking for the resignation of the FA chairman.

Many soccer analysts have bemoaned that decision, and have declared, "If the FA chairman is forced out of office, the problems at the FA would continue, and finally attract the fury of FIFA."

Many soccer fans had expected an amicable solution to the power struggle in the nation's soccer administration, but were taken aback when they heard the sector minister call for the FA chairman's head.

It is on this note that the minister must rescind his decision.

Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe's call for the restructuring of the FA structures, which led to the impeachment attempt by the FA Executive council, and lately, GHALCA, was lauded by analysts.

Significantly, it was the Sports Writers Association of Ghana (SWAG), which advocated for the FA structures to be revamped.

SWAG's voice was overshadowed by a number of people, who are ignorant about the rules and regulations of soccer.