Sports News of Friday, 26 July 2024


We are working to complete Youth Resource Centres - Sports Minister

Minister for Youth and Sports, Mustapha Ussif Minister for Youth and Sports, Mustapha Ussif

The Minister for Youth and Sports, Mustapha Yussif, has provided updates on the 10 Youth Resource Centres, an initiative of the NPP government.

He mentioned that while the one at Koforidua has been completed and commissioned, works on the second phase of five out of the remaining nine are about 95% complete.

Mustapha Ussif revealed that back in 2021, when works on the centres were about 90% complete, a decision was taken to expand the projects to be able to host other sporting disciplines besides football and athletics and also to make the centres commercially viable.

Mustapha Ussif assured that the ministry and the National Youth Authority (NYA) are working on securing the necessary funds for the contractors to return to the site and complete the projects.

“Let me assure you, the media, that we are working hard to get payment to all the contractors to go back. Those with challenges with phase two, we have resolved. The contractor in Nyinahin has gone back to the site, and very soon the second phase contractors will also start with the three left,” the minister said.