Sports Features of Thursday, 27 July 2006

Source: Bolus, Mercy Adede

What sort of exit is being planned for Dijkovic

Our entry into this year?s football World Cup repositioned Ghana?s stance globally and many now recognise the colours of our national flag. . A proud moment of mother Ghana to see its children sounding the horn of success.

However, Ghana as nation should acknowledge the sacrifice and determination that prompted Ratomir to take on Ghana as a challenge for the world to see.

How many of us would have offered Ghana a challenge of this nature. Only a few . However, Ratomir did with a small peanut pay and insults from Ghanaians who are not used to the global approach needed for the football game that is required to win at an international level.

Ratomir raised Ghana to the next phase of our football history for the first time ever.

He displayed a no nonsense attitude and also showed spectacular leadership skills in our football profile with assistance from Michael Appiah and the GFA .

I do hope the success Ratomir has given Ghana will be reflected in his send off party we offer him. It would be nice to see VIP?s and some of the squad showing their gratitude to the coach in style. The GFA has a duty to demonstrate their gratitude so that we as a nation could join in the party.

Ratomir Dukovic took on the post of coach, groomed our talented footballers for the sake of love and to prove a point.

Thank you so much Ratomir. Sometimes when one is dedicated one is never appreciated, it is only when one had left the scene that those qualities are belatedly realised.

We all as a nation wish you well. You have been an example to us all and to the whole world. By humbling yourself for a small pay offer yet the outcome of your input outweighed what we offered you.

You truly had a soft spot for Ghana and this actually showed up during the last match.

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