Soccer News of Tuesday, 20 November 2001

Source: BBC Online

Yeboah's future in doubt

Tony Yeboah's Bundesliga career looks almost certain to come to an end this week as he prepares to meet Hamburg club bosses on Tuesday. The 35-year-old Ghanaian has only played five games for Hamburg SV this season.

His adviser Joachim Leukel said that Yeboah could be released from his contract when he meets club bosses on Tuesday.

Yeboah has been unable to impress either Frank Pagelsdorf nor Kurt Jara, who succeeded Pagelsdorf as Hamburg coach last month.

Bench warmer

Neither have been prepared to include him in their starting line ups.

"Tony is not interested in sitting on the bench for the entire second part of the championship," Leukel said.

"Perhaps it would be better to draw a line."

Leukel said he had received several offers from other countries and Yeboah might pursue his career elsewhere.

Yeboah was convicted of tax evasion and fined 360,000 marks by a German court last January.

The offence dated back to his Eintracht Frankfurt days in the early 1990s.

Yeboah said in June that he might retire over a financial dispute with the lawyer who defended him in the case.

The striker has scored 96 goals in 223 Bundesliga games and was twice the Bundesliga's top scorer during his Eintracht spell, in 1993 and 1994.

Yeboah, who has won 36 caps for Ghana, left Eintracht for English premiership club Leeds United before returning to Germany in 1997.
