Africa News of Wednesday, 19 February 2020


32% Nigerians paid bribe for public service recruitment in 2019 - Report

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32 per cent Nigerians who secured jobs in the nation’s public service in 2019 paid a bribe, says a report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, UNODC.

Country Representatives, UNODC, Oliver Stolpe, stated this on Wednesday at the 18th Anti-Corruption Situation Room, ACSR, organized by the HEDA Resource Centre in Abuja in collaboration with the McArthur Foundation and UKaid.

In his opening remarks, Mr Stolpe noted that unlike the statistics released recently by the Transparency International, TI; findings by UNODC’s figures were not based on perception but on empirical findings backed by the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics, NBC.

The report also noted that 33 per cent of Nigerians who had contact with the Police paid a bribe to get away from trouble.

According to the UNODC boss, Nigeria must pay attention to the public service recruitment process adding that the corruption therein was worrisome.