Africa News of Wednesday, 1 July 2020


Ethiopians and Egyptians trade Tik Tok threats over Nile

There is a row on who has the right to access the Nile River There is a row on who has the right to access the Nile River

Ethiopians and Egyptians have battled it out on the social media platform TikTok, with each side trying to defend its right to access the Nile River’s waters.

One of the most widely-circulated videos shows a young Ethiopian woman using a jar of water representing her country and two empty cups representing Sudan and Egypt.

She fills the cup of Sudan first and then Egypt’s, before she reverses her decision and empties Egypt’s cup, saying in Arabic: “I’ll not give you water, that’s my will”:

The online row follows increased tensions in recent weeks between Egypt and Ethiopia over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

Egypt fears that its share of water from River Nile will be significantly reduced during the filling of the dam, while Ethiopia insists on proceeding with the project.

UN Security Council member states have urged the continuation of tripartite talks between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia over the filling of the dam.