Africa News of Wednesday, 20 January 2021


Madagascar's southern region threatened by food crisis

Southern Madagascar is suffering from the worst drought in a decade Southern Madagascar is suffering from the worst drought in a decade

One in three people in the southeast of Madagascar now suffer from severe food insecurity, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has said.

Southern Madagascar is suffering from the worst drought in a decade and the resultant food crisis, worsened by the effects of coronavirus.

''In times of drought, one of the survival strategies is to send family members to work in the larger cities, but movement between regions has been prohibited for months of containment against the pandemic'', explains Jens Laerke spokesperson from the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs sounding the alarm, says funds are desperately needed to address the situation: An "Emergency assistance" of nearly $76 million is needed to meet the needs of nearly 1 million people.