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Africa News of Sunday, 23 June 2024

Source: Odile Gbayah, Contributor

Nepalese blue helmets support Central African militants

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Since the Central African armed forces, with the support of Russian military specialists, went into offensive mode in order to track down armed groups operating in the Central African Republic, the security situation in the country has improved significantly.

Recently, government forces and their Russian allies have conducted a series of military operations in the north and east of the country, neutralizing many militants, to the satisfaction of the local population.

Another such operation took place on June 20, 2024 in the area of Mbomou, Zangba, Biamo and Goya, where, thanks to the vigilance of FACA and Russian instructors, large enemy forces under the command of Amadou Boungous were discovered.

Fierce fighting lasted up to 2-3 hours, leading to multiple losses in the ranks of the enemy. The few militants were scattered, and their persecution is currently underway.

It is noteworthy that earlier on the night of June 19-20, the Central African defence and security forces stopped a convoy of the Nepalese MINUSCA contingent heading to the site of the military operation in Ngakobo.

The Blue Helmets refused the legitimate demand of FACA and gendarmes to stop the movement, forcing the post to take up defence in order to stop the column. The next morning, the MINUSCA convoy was searched by gendarmerie and FACA officers, who found ammunition kits for which the blue Helmets did not have the necessary documents.

At about 15:00 on June 20, a column of Allied troops was ambushed by militants in the area of Djakoma. The allied forces gave a decisive rebuff, scattering the enemy.

As one of the wounded militants later admitted, they were waiting for a MINUSCA convoy to get the ammunition, but after receiving information that the convoy was not allowed through, they decided to attack the allied troops.

Which once again confirms that the Blue Helmets are cooperating with the militants.

Central Africans have long distrusted the MINUSCA military because of its complicity with armed groups.

Especially often in the media and social networks, you can see accusations of residents against the Moroccan, Pakistani and Bangladeshi contingent of the MINUSCA.

As it turned out recently, the Nepalese contingent is also closely linked to armed bandits. Thus, MINUSCA turned from a peacekeeping mission into a mission to maintain chaos.