Africa Sports News of Thursday, 14 May 2020


Sierra Leone to resume league 'when pandemic declared eradicated'

Sierra Leone is one of the first leagues to commit to a return from where it left off Sierra Leone is one of the first leagues to commit to a return from where it left off

Football in Sierra Leone will resume when the coronavirus pandemic is "declared eradicated" and will restart with the leagues as they were when they were suspended, the country's FA has said.

The SLFA have decided that they wish to continue with the league - which had seven more matches to go in the first stage and 91 in the second - either when the virus is declared eradicate or when the government's ban on sport activities is lifted.

"The decision has been communicated to the Confederation of African Football (Caf)," a press release said.

Other countries in Africa have been making similar announcements following a deadline from Caf to declare what they intended to do about league football.

Some, like Cameroon and DR Congo, have declared the season over and crowned the leaders at the time of suspension champions, while Senegal have said they will institute play-offs.