Africa News of Wednesday, 2 June 2021


Tanzania women MPs protest 'sacking' of colleague over tight trousers

The embattled MP being escorted out of parliament and a photo of her outside the premises The embattled MP being escorted out of parliament and a photo of her outside the premises

• MP Sichwale was ordered out of parliament for improper dressing

• A male MP had protested over her choice of clothes which included a yellow top and a pair of trousers

• But the female MPs insist that the action was unfair and are demanding an apology

A number of Tanzanian female MPs are pushing for an apology to a fellow lawmaker who was ejected from the chamber after a male counterpart complained about her trousers.

A group is led by MPs Jacqueline Ngonyani and Stella Manyanya who have described Speaker Job Ndugai's order to eject Condester Sichwale - a ruling party MP - as unfair.

They hold that the June 1 incident was unfair because Ms Sichwale's clothes did not breach any parliamentary guidelines.

"Mr Speaker, an example there is my sister seated on my right with a yellow shirt. Look at the trousers she has worn, Mr Speaker!" Hussein Amar complained to the Speaker following which the MP was escorted out of the house.

"Go dress up well, and then join us back later," said the Speaker Job Ndugai.

In widely shared photos on social media, Sichwale is escorted out of the legislative chamber because she was wearing tight fitting trousers.

She is spotted wearing a yellow top with a black pair of trousers, which is said to be the center of the sack.