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Africa News of Friday, 16 August 2024


University book donation scheme expands to Kenya

Dr Teslim Bukoye hopes to further expand the project to other parts of the world Dr Teslim Bukoye hopes to further expand the project to other parts of the world

A scheme that sees books donated to universities in Africa has been extended.
Textbooks are already sent to Nigeria through the University of Bath's Readcycle Bath project, and now universities in Kenya will benefit too.

Dr Teslim Bukoye said he hoped the scheme would grow further, to reach across other parts of Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and the Middle East.
“I think the power of books resonates with us all. I look forward to seeing the impact of the expansion to Kenya," he added.

Sharing of knowledge,

The expansion will see surplus management and engineering textbooks sent to Moi University in Kenya.

Prof Abraham Mulwo, dean of the School of Information Sciences at Moi University said: “Readcycle’s support will enrich our resources and contribute to the education and development of our students and faculty.

"The donated books will be instrumental in expanding the scope of our curriculum, facilitating research, and nurturing the intellectual growth of our students and faculty.

“This donation represents more than just a collection of books; it symbolizes a partnership between our institutions in fostering academic excellence and promoting knowledge sharing.”

Power of books

Dr. Bukoye said the idea for Readcycle Bath began after he and his colleagues were clearing out their old office ahead of a move and found textbooks that were no longer being used.

“I thought, how wonderful if we could collect these and ship to universities and students who could benefit from them.

"We have already shipped hundreds of management and engineering textbooks to Nigeria and I am confident we can do more."