Africa News of Friday, 23 April 2021


Zambia: Government assures feeder roads for all districts

Charles Banda explained that his government will not relent in improving feeder roads Charles Banda explained that his government will not relent in improving feeder roads

Minister of Local Government Charles Banda says the government remains resolute to rehabilitate feeder roads countrywide to spur social and economic development.

He explained that the government under his ministry will not relent in improving the state of feeder roads as they contribute greatly to economic development.

ZANIS reports that Dr Banda made the remarks in parliament today, when responding to a question from Chinsali Member of Parliament, Kalalwe Mukosa, who wanted to know whether government has plans to rehabilitate feeder roads in Chinsali District, Muchinga, during the session for oral answers.

“Muchinga like any other province in the country is receiving its fair share of feeder roads and works are in progress. We are constructing and rehabilitating more roads, currently 80 kilometers of the rehabilitation works in the province are done,” he responded.

Of the K119.6 billion for 2021 National budget, the government allocated over K6.2 billion for Road Infrastructure development in the country.