Are you unemployed? Job hunting? Would you like to earn in dollars from global companies? Housewife, students, professionals etc...LEARN how to combine your skills with the various tech-tools, to excel as a remote worker and ... read full comment
Are you unemployed? Job hunting? Would you like to earn in dollars from global companies? Housewife, students, professionals etc...LEARN how to combine your skills with the various tech-tools, to excel as a remote worker and earn in dollars. Learn from this guide & get remote jobs that pay in dollars, selling your skills online!.LEARN how to Organize & automate workflows as a Remote worker? Also LEARN Step-by-step, how to use various tech tools! Grab your copy of the ULTIMATE VIRTUAL ASSISTANT GUIDE NOW from or #valentinesgift e1
Obenalo 1 month ago
A step in the right direction. All African leaders must also do like-wise.
A step in the right direction. All African leaders must also do like-wise.
The Spear 1 month ago
Great! Way to go, if very, very stupid black Africans fail to be objective.
Great! Way to go, if very, very stupid black Africans fail to be objective.
Ataa Obeng site 19 Tema 1 month ago
Africa will work again like what Kwame Nkrumah wanted it to be, we are now seeing the true leaders not the likes of Akuffo Addo the wicked thief who has destroyed Ghana with his family
Africa will work again like what Kwame Nkrumah wanted it to be, we are now seeing the true leaders not the likes of Akuffo Addo the wicked thief who has destroyed Ghana with his family
FOYOOSIS 1 month ago
Mahama said it but hasn't enforced it. Until now, there's silence on the part of his appointees on assets declaration, meaning it can never be implemented in Ghana or taken serious.
Most of our African leaders just talk wi ... read full comment
Mahama said it but hasn't enforced it. Until now, there's silence on the part of his appointees on assets declaration, meaning it can never be implemented in Ghana or taken serious.
Most of our African leaders just talk without taking action, at least the Liberian president has placed a month suspension on failure to declare one's assets and that's a good precedent, better than no action taken.
President Mahama must wake up, force his appointees to declare their assets. Ghanaians are thieves by nature, don't trust any Ghanaian official, whether NDC or NPP, their main aim is to amass wealth.
In Ghana, there are people (managers, accountants)in positions who are stealing money that could pay the salaries of 50 employees in a month, meanwhile a lot of people with academic qualifications are jobless.
Akoto 1 month ago
Mahama has track record of prosecuting his own appointees. What is the record of mother serpent of corruption? Instead, he said on national TVs, I and my appointees are not corrupt, any corruption tag on I and my appointees w ... read full comment
Mahama has track record of prosecuting his own appointees. What is the record of mother serpent of corruption? Instead, he said on national TVs, I and my appointees are not corrupt, any corruption tag on I and my appointees will not wash. Wai!
Nzulu 1 month ago
Has Mahama declared his assets? Charity begins at home. The man eats and drinks corruption and those he has appointed know. They will not declare huuu, because they know Mahama is corrupt to the core.
Has Mahama declared his assets? Charity begins at home. The man eats and drinks corruption and those he has appointed know. They will not declare huuu, because they know Mahama is corrupt to the core.
Wisdom 1 month ago
He did the r8ght thing let him be,if all African leaders will go by this move African countries will be a better place to be.
He did the r8ght thing let him be,if all African leaders will go by this move African countries will be a better place to be.
FAA 1 month ago
A step in the right direction.Hope ghanaian president will do likewise.I guess he's part of the system.
A step in the right direction.Hope ghanaian president will do likewise.I guess he's part of the system.
Are you unemployed? Job hunting? Would you like to earn in dollars from global companies? Housewife, students, professionals etc...LEARN how to combine your skills with the various tech-tools, to excel as a remote worker and ...
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A step in the right direction. All African leaders must also do like-wise.
Great! Way to go, if very, very stupid black Africans fail to be objective.
Africa will work again like what Kwame Nkrumah wanted it to be, we are now seeing the true leaders not the likes of Akuffo Addo the wicked thief who has destroyed Ghana with his family
Mahama said it but hasn't enforced it. Until now, there's silence on the part of his appointees on assets declaration, meaning it can never be implemented in Ghana or taken serious.
Most of our African leaders just talk wi ...
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Mahama has track record of prosecuting his own appointees. What is the record of mother serpent of corruption? Instead, he said on national TVs, I and my appointees are not corrupt, any corruption tag on I and my appointees w ...
read full comment
Has Mahama declared his assets? Charity begins at home. The man eats and drinks corruption and those he has appointed know. They will not declare huuu, because they know Mahama is corrupt to the core.
He did the r8ght thing let him be,if all African leaders will go by this move African countries will be a better place to be.
A step in the right direction.Hope ghanaian president will do likewise.I guess he's part of the system.