Yfm’s BBC-recognized presenter and musician, Winston Micheals has advised that young musicians should accept negative feedback and criticism about their songs and use that to better their craft.
Speaking on eTV Ghana’s Late Nite Celebrity Show with host, Foster Romanus, he commented that being at Yfm is not giving him any protocol boost on his music career, however, listening to advice and criticism from other DJs about his songs is what is making him better and has given him airplay on YFM as well as other stations.
“The DJs are the professionals and they know what they’re doing. For some upcoming artistes or even established artistes, when you tell them that their song is not up to the standard, they get offended and think you’re hating.
The feedback is making you better as an artiste and for me, I appreciate each and every one of them that was honest with me, didn’t lie to my face and told me to go work on my stuff”, he said.
Winston Michaels furthered that taking all the advice and negative feedback from DJs into consideration, he went back to the drawing board, stayed low for two years while studying a few songs to better his music.
During that time, he wrote his recently released song ‘Abrantie the Gentleman’, worked on it, made sure it was well mixed and mastered, and when he dropped it, DJs have been showing him nothing but love.
“If it’s good, they’ll play it and if it’s not good, they won’t play it. That’s the standard that we’ve held everybody to”, said the versatile artist.