UK Heathrow airport go close throughout Friday sake of one fire near di airport wey affect im electricity supply.
Di fire wipe out electricity, scata flight schedules of travellers around di world.
At least 1,351 flights to and from di airport na im dem fit cancel today, according to flight tracking website Flightrdar24.
Heathrow na Europe busiest, and di world fifth busiest airport, and dem don warn passengers make dem no travel "under any circumstance" until dem open, as dem fit experience "significant disruption" in di coming days.
London Fire Brigade say na around 70 firefighters bin dey tackle di blaze for west of London.
You fit see di big orange flames as e bin dey shoot into di sky.
Around 150 pipo na im dem bin evacuate from nearby buildings and thousands of properties dey now without light.
Di fire brigade say dem no sabi wetin cause di fire.
"To maintain di safety of our passengers and colleagues, Heathrow go dey closed until 23h59 on 21 March," Heathrow Airport post on X.
Industry experts say tourism, travel and trade go dey affected around di world, as e go dey cancelled or delayed.
British Airways get 341 flights wey bin dey scheduled to land Heathrow on Friday.
"Dis go clearly get significant impact on our operation and our customers, and we dey work as quickly as possible to update dem on dia travel options for di next 24 hours and beyond," e say.
Di fire force planes to divert all over di world.
Qantas Airways send im flight from Perth to Paris, one United Airlines New York flight go to Shannon, Ireland and anoda United Airlines flight from San Francisco go land for Washington, D.C. rather dan for London.
Some flights from US bin make U-turn for air, returning to wia dem bin take off.
77 airlines get total of 669 flights wey dem bin don schedule to land for Heathrow Airport on Friday.
Wetin airlines fit do inside dis kasala?
For di sake of dis kain emergency, airlines don carefully choreograph networks depending on di specific location and specific time of wia di airplanes and im crews dey.
Plenty of air carriers go need to sharply reconfigure dia networks to move planes and crews around.
"Di oda question na, 'Wetin airlines fit do to deal wit di heavy backlog of passengers?'", travel industry analyst Henry Harteveldt wit Atmosphere Research Group tok say, "di next few days go full of katakata."
Some passengers turn to social media. Adrian Spender, wey dey work for British retailer Tesco, tok for one post on X say, im bin dey one Airbus A380 wey bin dey go Heathrow.
"#Heathrow no idea wia we wey dey go yet. Currently over Austria."
Heathrow, and London oda major airports, don experience electricity palava before in recent years.
Di most recent one na one automated gate failure and air traffic system meltdown, di two happun for 2023.
One Heathrow tok-tok pesin tell tori pipo Reuters for email say e never clear wen dem go fit bring light back, and dem dey expect significant disruption in di next few days.