BBC Pidgin of Sunday, 14 March 2021

Source: BBC

Jennifer Lopez Alex Rodriguez split?: See wetin we sabi

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez don break up dia engagement? Dis na di question many pipo dey ask dis morning afta news of di American singer and im Finance begin trend for social media.

BBC Pidgin no fit independently verify say as at today Jlo and Alex split.

However plenti American media dey report say sources wey dey close to di couple say dem don go dia separate ways.

Di two couples neva tok anything about dia relationship lately for dia social media handle.

On Thursday, Lopez post one video montage wey she dey laugh and write say: "Find a good reason to laugh today."

While on Friday, Rodriguez post selfie of imsef inside one yacht off di coast of Miami and write say;

"No mind me, I just dey take mysef sail-fie. What be your plans for di weekend?"

J.Lo wey be 51, get engaged to A-Rod wey be 45 for 2019 afta two of dem bin date for two years.

Dem bin postpone dia wedding twice, citing COVID-19 quarantine last year for affecting dia plan wedding wey suppose happun for Italy.
