In My Father's Land

Star Nyaniba Hammond

$ 14.34 (new)
$ 15.00 (used)

Paperback (170 pages)

Afram Pubns Ghana Ltd

Reader Reviews

Makes you think
The writer of this book has writen her auto biography. Although i am only a teenager and this would not be my usual read. It realy made me think about world war 2 and how it affected people of african descent. How about if you where taken from england a place that the war was realy taken place and taken to a place where you could not see but only feel the presence of the war. For the person in the book this would turn out to be west africa, ghana in fact. this book is funny,comedic,sad,historical and it even has some romance and eductational value in it. It is poetic yet not,imformatrive yet fiction this is a book of all generes and all ages. This book has realy helped me learn about the 1940s and other peoples coltures in a way that no book has ever done before and i think that everyone should read it.