Business News of Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Source: Chris Koney

5th edition of Goût de France slated for March 21

These three made it to the finals These three made it to the finals

The 5th edition of Goût de France in Ghana will be held on March 21, 2019.

All France embassies around the world and thousands of restaurants will participate in cms
the event.

The theme for this year's celebration is the French Provence.

Here in Ghana, the French Embassy wishes to involve Ghanaians as guests and participants for the event. Also, up and coming talents are humbly invited to register for the contest, send a presentation video before February 15, 2019.

Among all applicants, 8 Ghanaian chefs have been selected by open votes to take part in the semi-final which begins early March at the Labadi restaurant. They were each given a basket of ingredients, a French recipe of a dish from Provence and one hour to show their talent.

The jury, composed of international Chefs and French gourmets judged the taste, presentation, flavor, and voted for the 3 finalists who will cook for the guests on March 21, 2019 during the Goût de France dinner at the Residence of France. This time, the VIP guests will vote for the best chef! The winner will be offered an all-inclusive trip to French Provence.

The aim of Goût de France is to allow our hosts to discover French cuisine. Thus, the Embassy will invite officials of government, the presidency, parliament as well as administrative authorities and influential personalities to take part in the dinner.

Partnering companies will be invited to the dinner and have the opportunity to invite their Ghanaian clients, executives or partners.

Our French community will not be left out: 23 restaurants in Ghana will take part in the event, serving Provençal dishes and Rosé de Provence to their Goût de France customers. The Alliance française will also treat our compatriots with a "Goût de France" evening with a Provençal theme.

The event happens in the middle of the Francophonie week and will be in the climaxing moment.