Business News of Tuesday, 7 May 2002

Source: gna

Accra bourse in marginal gain

The GSE All-Share Index, the key stock gauge of the Accra Bourse, made a thin gain of 0.84 points on Monday to open the week at 1,043.26 points.

British American Tobacco (BAT), Ghana Commercial Bank (GCB) and Super Paper Product Company (SPPC) all made marginal gains to push up the index. The prices of other equities were unchanged. Trading volumes closed at 106,500 shares, on the strength of SPPC, which sold 101,000 shares. BAT, GCB and Sam-Woode Limited, which also made sales, split the remaining 5,500 shares.

In the broader market BAT gained nine cedis at 760 cedis, GCB was up six cedis at 1,801 cedis and SPPC appreciated by one cedi at 367 cedis. The change to date stands at 9.13 per cent.

The market capitalisation closed at 4,059.13 billion cedis. The following are the closing prices of the equities in cedis:

ABL 327

AGC 18,800

ALW 4,300

BAT 760 +9


EIC 3,520

FML 1,024

GBL 1,000

GCB 1,801 +6

GGL 910

HFC 950

MGL 250

MLC 147

MOGL 18,810

PAF 750

PBC 450

PZ 1,210

SCB 20,500

SPPC 367 +1

SSB 2,910

SWL 275

UNIL 2,916

CMLT 430