Business News of Thursday, 24 October 2019


Companies owe GRA GHC5 billion – Prof Stephen Adei

Professor Stephen Adei, Board Chair of GRA Professor Stephen Adei, Board Chair of GRA

Board Chair of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), Professor Stephen Adei, has revealed that several companies owe the GRA to the tune of GHS5billion.

He said the GRA will find means of retrieving this amount owed by the companies as art of efforts to meet government’s target.

Speaking to Accra-based Joy FM on Tuesday 22nd October, 219, Prof Adei further stated that the inability of the GRA to meet the revenue target set by government is largely due to the lack of compliance by the companies.

Prof Adei who was recently appointed the GRA Board Chair said he will ensure that the tax net is widened to include non-tax payers.

“Right now there are companies and individuals certified who are owing GRA GHS5billion and the budgetary gap is GHS3.4 billion,” he said.

He added: “So this is not somebody being asked to pay more taxes. It is those who have been found to owe money that are to be paid.”