Business News of Monday, 30 March 2020


Coronavirus: Tema Habour to remain open

The port will continue to provide their services The port will continue to provide their services

All seaports including Tema Habour whose geographical location is affected by the partial lockdown that began today, Monday, will remain open during the 14-day period but with a scaled-down scope of operations.

According to the Ghana Ports and Habours Authority (GPHA), “As gateways to Ghana’s international import and export trade in all types of goods including food and medicines, the ports in Ghana, just like ports in other ports of the world, must remain open to ensure the continuous supply of essential commodities.”

The following organizations, it said, will continue to provide their services at the port:


Meridian Ports Services Limited

Ghana Revenue Authority – Customs

Shipping Line Agents duly recognised/authorised by GPHA as having business to do in the port during period.

Freight Forwarders and their appointed cargo truck drivers

Dock Labour Supply Companies

Terminal Operators and ICDs (to be duly recognized/authorized by GPHA as having business to do in the port during this period)

Private stevedoring and shoe handling companies (to be duly recognized/authorized by GPHA as having business to do in the port during this period)

Ship waste collection contractors (to be duly recognized/authorized by GPHA as having business to do in the port during this period)

Ghana Standards Authority (be duly recognised/authorized by GPHA as having business to do in the port during this period)

Food and Drugs Authority (be duly recognised/authorised by GPHA as having business to do in the port during this period)

Ghana Maritime Authority (to be duly recognised/authorised by GPHA as having business to do in the port during this period)

Ghana Shippers Authority (to be duly recognised/authorised by GPHA as having business to do in the port during this period)

Ghana Immigration Service

Port Health Department

Veterinary Services Department

Ghana Police Service

Operatives of National Security

Ghana Navy

Any other Port User with special need to access the port (to be duly recognised/authorised by GPHA as having business to do in the port during this period)

Under the lockdown regime, the GPHA said the Port of Tema shall operate as follows:

a. Vessels /Ships handling – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to unload and load cargo for ships arriving and departing

b.Cargo deliveries – special dispensation given for full unrestricted import clearances o all cargoes currently already received to storage in Tema Port for Ghana and in Transit

c. After all cargoes already in port and those on the high seas have arrived and have been cleared from the port, the new rule to allow only essential goods to be cleared shall apply if the lockdown is still in force.

d. Essential goods-Clearing agents to clear these goods must obtain permit. The goods include food items, medicines, perishable goods, dangerous cargoes including ammunitions and direct delivery goods (fertilizer, clinker, steel products etc.)

e. Whenever the new rule of restricting import clearance for only essential goods comes into effect, rent and demurrage that may occur during the lockdown new rule period should be waived by Terminal Operators and Shipping Lines respectively.

f. Exports – cargoes meant for exports shall be received by the Ports on a 24hours basis.

The GPHA emphasised that to facilitate identification and permission of persons authorized to access the ports for a designated work, it will issue GPHA COVID-19 Habour Permit for Port Users.