Business News of Monday, 24 October 2016

Source: Josephine Appiah-Nyamekye

Stanbic Bank to provide farmers easy access to credit

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Stanbic Bank has reiterated its commitment to give farmers easy access to loan facilities to help them adopt better technology, and to buy better quality seeds and fertilizers.

Over the years, Stanbic Bank has been a major contributor towards the development of the agricultural sector. The bank has a full-fledged agric-finance unit which finances needs and opportunities tied in with the policy and priority interventions of government for the sustainable growth of the industry. The Bank is hopeful that easier access to loans will help farmers increase incomes and improve livelihoods.

The agricultural sector’s contribution to Ghana’s GDP dwindled from 31.9% in 2010 to about 19% in 2015. This contribution further decreased in 2016 as government cut its 2016 expenditure on the sector by about GHS 40 million.

According to the World Bank, more than 70 percent of small farmers have no access to credit from a financial institution, and many are often forced to rely on "extortionate money lenders".

“Certainly if a farmer comes to us to demonstrate to us his business’ acumen and set-up to be able to handle agricultural loan, we will grant him or her the loan,” said Alhassan Andani, the Chief Executive of Stanbic Bank.

Mr Andani said this when the bank donated a Nissan Pick-Up Double Cabin Truck valued at GHS 90,000 to the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. Since 2006, Stanbic Bank has been annually donating a pick-up to the Ministry of Agriculture to hand over to the 3rd National Best Farmer.

Stanbic’s continuous participation in this programme, according to Mr Andani, is to demonstrate their recognition and support for agriculture as a real opportunity for economic growth in Ghana.

“We at Stanbic Bank and the entire Standard Bank understand that Agriculture is really a growth opportunity for Africa and Ghana so we do all we can to focus attention on the development of the sector,” he said.

Stanbic Bank over the years has been committed to creating prosperity by providing critical social support in education, sports development, poverty relief, health and environmental protection