Business News of Friday, 12 February 2021


EU hands over office equipment under Ghana Employment and Social Protection Programme

The donations form part of the EU The donations form part of the EU

The European Union has handed over office equipment to beneficiary offices under the Ghana Employment and Social Protection Programme (GESP).

In an event held on the 11th of February 2020, the head of Cooperation EU delegation to Ghana Zoltan Agai says: "the donations formed part of the EU’s contribution to improving service delivery to vulnerable groups.”

"The EU’s support is anchored on ensuring effective service delivery. In view of this we have ensured that the items are also delivered to decentralised levels, selected beneficiary District Assemblies, Labour departments and Public employment Centres.”

The support from the EU is estimated at 1.9 million Euros. The items include motorcycles, Vehicles, IT equipment and office furniture.

Representing the Minister of Finance, Director Resource Mobilisation and Economic Relations Divisions at the Ministry of Finance Ms Yvone Quansah thanked the EU for their support and called on the beneficiaries to make good use of the types of equipment in order to achieve the good set before them.

The ministry of Local Government Service, head of the Ministry of Labour Relations and the Association of Ghana Industries. Some selected District Assemblies are also beneficiaries of the programme.