Business News of Tuesday, 25 March 2003

Source: --

GPHA and NPASA form inter-port relationship

The Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA) and the National Ports Authority of South Africa (NPASA) have established an inter-port relationship that will see the two countries co-operate in port management.

Mr Ben Owusu-Mensah, Director-General of GPHA, said at the signing ceremony at the weekend that the agreement would foster co-operation between the two countries in the fields of port management, operations and administration.

The agreement, which was also signed by Mr Sinabonga Gama, Chief Executive Officer of NPASA, will boost regional trade and coastal shipping, as the parties have also pledged to facilitate interaction between the major exporters in South Africa and Ghana.

Mr Owusu-Mensah said the agreement stipulated that the authorities would support each other in strengthening port safety and security services, providing technical knowledge in the fields of port management and information systems technology and training staff at maritime or other institutions of higher learning of both countries.

The agreement includes the exchange of port experts between the two countries, undertaking of studies of mutual interest, putting forward similar view points at international and regional conferences as well as the development of strong social and cultural ties.

The two Chief Executives agreed that a management consultative meeting comprising members from each authority would be held at least once annually and the staff exchange programme would involve all departments.

They would assist each other upon request and within each authority's financial means.
