Officials of the Export-Import Bank of India (EXIM India), led by the Deputy Managing Director, Debasish Mallick, will be in Ghana from today to 24th November 2017 to undertake phase one of institutional capacity building for the Ghana EXIM Bank.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Bank, Lawrence Agyinsam, commenting on the visit said: “We are confident that as a result of this meeting, the visiting team will get a better understanding of the government’s vision of creating Ghana Beyond Aid within the context of trade and investment.” He said the vision to make Ghana’s economy an export-led one has been a major economic policy of successive governments in the country.
Established in 2016 to enhance industrialization and make Ghana’s exports competitive on the global market, the Ghana EXIM Bank is backed by Act 911 (2016), which mandates it to support and develop direct or indirectly trade between Ghana and other countries, and build Ghana’s capacity and competitiveness on the international market.
“Within the global EXIM Bank fraternity, there exists opportunities for synergies and exchange of ideas, good practices and international cooperation. It is against this backdrop that several partners like USAID, US Exim Bank, Afrexim Bank and Indian Export-Import Bank, among others, have taken keen interest in the nurturing and development of the Ghana EXIM Bank.”
He revealed that the phase two of the project will continue in the first quarter of 2018.
EXIM India has operated since 1982 as a growth engine for industries and SMEs.
The cooperation will therefore equip Ghana EXIM Bank to facilitate the development of SMEs sector and Non-Tradition Exports (NTE) in Ghana.