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Business News of Monday, 11 July 2016


Ghana‘s apparel industry has huge potentials - Ms Coffie

Ms Catherine Nana Esi Anowah Coffie (Left) Ms Catherine Nana Esi Anowah Coffie (Left)

The Chief Executive Officer of Anowah Afrique Limited (AAL) Ms Catherine Nana Esi Anowah Coffie, has called for governmental support for the apparel industry to create more jobs.

"The sector has huge potential to contribute towards the growth of our economy and Ghanaian companies has the expertise to produce for both the domestic and international market."

Ms Coffie, who is also the Founder of the Women‘s Development Foundation (WDF), made this remarks shortly after been inducted into the West Africa Nobles Forum for her contribution towards the development of women, children and the vulnerable in society at a ceremony in Accra.

Located in the Tema Free Zones enclave, AAL has the capacity to employ 2,500 workers but currently employs 200 Ghanaians and produces 500 pieces of fabrics daily for the export market.

The company also has modern state-of-the-art sewing machines and equipment for all industrial and commercial purposes.