Business News of Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Source: GNA

Ghana’s leading finance experts to be honoured

InstinctBusiness has unveiled the IB Ghana CFO Dinner and Awards in a bid to recognise and honour Ghana’s leading financial experts who have contributed immensely to the nations finance sector.

The dinner, themed CFOs’ Role In Sustaining Organisational Growth, is scheduled for February 27.

According to Carol Hogan- Bassey ; the Associate Editor of Instinct Business , the CFO Dinner & Awards will assemble the nation’s financial leaders and industry stake holders for an intimate, private dinner where they will discuss their professional roles in a changing economic environment .

Speaking on the Inaugural CFO Awards she said, special recognition awards will be presented during a gala dinner to senior financial leaders who have made quality and insightful contributions to the finance sector.

“The Awards will honour top financial executives whose outstanding leadership practices have raised the standards of accountability within the profession, showcased brilliancy in managing their organisation’s wealth and supported the economic growth of the nation,” she said.

InstinctBusiness CFO Dinner & Awards will also provide a platform for top CFOs, Head of Finance, high-level executives, analysts, academics, and pundits to gather and take part in conversations that shape future policy decisions in a more relaxed environment.