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Business News of Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Source: GNA

Gov't support needed by entrepreneurs to create employment

Government must support local entrepreneurs to enable them create jobs for the teeming youth, Godfred Chief Mediciné, Executive Chairman, US Group of Companies said on Monday.

Speaking at the inauguration of a three million dollar US Business Complex at Dome in Accra, Mr Mediciné said the government needed to work hand-in-hand with the private sector to fulfill the job creation agenda for the youth.

The US Business Complex has a restaurant, boutique, gym, beauty clinic, laundry, driving school and Tilapia aquarium, among others to meet the needs of customers in the community.

It is the latest in the line of investments by the company whose business interests includes purified drinking water, Tilapia investments and micro finance institutions.

Mr Mediciné said it was high time the country do away with the reliance on the West for survival, adding that the local entrepreneurs have the capacity to help transform the country’s development.

He said the nation’s history is replete with success stories of local successful entrepreneurs, adding that, with government support, the private sector would be able to create opportunities for the youth.

He said it is only through partnership with the private sector that the government would be able to take the unemployed youth from the streets.

Mr Acquinas Quansah, Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, said government strongly believes in the role of entrepreneurship in advancing the growth of the country and urged the youth to avail themselves when such opportunities arise.

He urged the US Group of Companies to tap into the technical expertise of the Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture in enhancing aquaculture.

Reverend Dr Paul Fynn, President of Wisconsin International University College, called on Ghanaians to do away with the negative mind-set of poverty.

“No one is poor, but it is one’s mind-set to believe so,” adding that everyone is capable of transforming his dreams to reality through commitment and reliance on God.

He urged entrepreneurs to commit to time, saying it is an important factor in determining success.