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Business News of Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Source: Felix Nyarko, Contributor

I have the 'Great Transformational Plan' to propel Ghana's economy - Alan Kyerematen

Alan Kyerematen, founder and leader of Movement for Change Alan Kyerematen, founder and leader of Movement for Change

Founder and leader of the Movement for Change, Alan Kyerematen, a seasoned statesman and former Minister of Trade and Industry, has embarked on a visionary path with his Great Transformational Plan (GTP) for Ghana.

Under his leadership, Kyerematen aims to propel Ghana into a prosperous future through strategic reforms in key sectors.

At the heart of his plan lies a bold agricultural transformation. The former Trade Minister is also advocating for the creation of Agroparks and Processing Clusters across Ghana's diverse agroecological zones.

"These hubs will integrate cutting-edge technology and climate-smart practices to boost productivity and resilience, supported by partnerships with farmers and innovative financing mechanisms," he emphasized.

In tourism, Alan Kyerematen envisions Ghana becoming Africa's top destination. His strategy focuses on revitalizing historic sites and developing beachfront properties through public-private partnerships.

"By leveraging Ghana's cultural heritage and natural beauty, we aim to stimulate economic growth and attract global tourists," he added.

Addressing governance challenges, he mentioned that the GTP will prioritize anti-corruption measures and transparency reforms.

Kyerematen also proposed strengthening judicial infrastructure and decentralizing governance to empower local communities in decision-making.

Infrastructure development is another pillar of Kyerematen's agenda, advocating for private sector participation and modernization of energy, housing, and digital infrastructure.

With a decade of dedicated service and a clear vision for change, Alan Kyerematen's GTP aims to usher in a new era of prosperity and sustainable development for Ghana.