Business News of Thursday, 7 September 2023

Source: Jobberman Ghana

Jobberman Ghana & The German Cooperation partner to empower females in tech

This project is designed to empower and equip young women with STEM This project is designed to empower and equip young women with STEM

Jobberman Ghana is collaborating with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) within the framework of Invest for Jobs to deliver the M-Fit Project.

To bridge the gender gap in the technology sector, this project is designed to empower and equip young women with Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) backgrounds with essential soft skills, making them employable in the tech space.

According to the CEO of Jobberman Ghana, Hilda Nimo-Tieku, the “M-Fit Project” is a comprehensive initiative aimed at training at least 100 young women between 18 and 35 with a STEM background in employability soft skills and placing them in befitting tech-related roles in Ghana.

In today’s world, the technology sector promises innovation, growth, and endless opportunities. However, women remain significantly underrepresented in this field. Recognizing this disparity, Invest for Jobs, an initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), implemented by GIZ, among others, has decided to work with Jobberman Ghana to address this gap and create a more inclusive tech landscape.

“My team is currently undertaking field research to identify the primary reasons for the low participation of women in the tech sector and the specific soft skills that females with a STEM background need to excel in the world of work. The outcome of this research will inform us of the training programmes these 100 women will receive over four weeks. As a recruitment and talent management company, the M-Fit Project aligns perfectly with our mission to connect qualified job seekers with opportunities and transform lives”, Hilda Nimo-Tieku explained.

This project seeks to make a first step to enhancing female employability in STEM by matching 60 women with a STEM-related background in relative tech jobs until the beginning of 2024.

Jobberman Ghana and BMZ, through GIZ, are poised to create a transformative impact on the tech industry that empowers young women and propels them toward a brighter future.