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Business News of Thursday, 8 August 2013


MTN launches Mobile Money Month

Leading telecommunications company, MTN Ghana has dedicated the month of August as Mobile Money Month to raise public awareness about the service.

The second edition of the Mobile Money Month is aimed seeking opportunities that will transform people from just having knowledge about the service to actual users of the revolutionary platform.

Launching the event, Ebenezer Asante, Acting Chief Executive Officer of MTN Ghana, noted that MTN introduced the mobile money service because it recognizes the need for its subscribers to go about their businesses and any other monetary transaction with ease and in real time.

He added that “the impact of mobile money services and its effect on socio-economic activities cannot be overemphasized. It is a fact that the use of mobile money services is being integrated into virtually every facet of our lives – business, commerce, education, governance, entertainment.”

He indicated that since the introduction of mobile money services across the world, particularly in Ghana, its usage has risen tremendously in recent years, which indicates that the service is filling a void which was overlooked for many years.

Mr. Asante stated that “MTN is constantly looking for ways to enhance the Mobile Money service and will continue to pursue value adding partnerships to enhance the lives of its customers.

MTN believes that mobile money is an easier way of extending financial inclusivity to our customers and making their lives a whole lot better.”

Presenting an outline of activities in the month, Eli Hini, Commercial Senior Manager for MTN Mobile Money, said there will be promotions to reward existing and new customers of MTN Mobile Money service, as well as customer education programmes on radio and TV to help customers appreciate the various ways the mobile money services can make their lives more convenient.

He added that there will be floats in all the 10 regions with focus on key commercial and mining areas.

The theme for this year’s celebration is: “MTN Mobile Money: It’s fast, it’s easy, every time everywhere.