Business News of Monday, 31 August 2020


Meet Dr. Mrs. Edith Dankwa, the pillar behind Ghana's leading financial newspaper

Dr. Mrs. Edith Dankwa, CEO of Business and Financial Times (B&FT) Dr. Mrs. Edith Dankwa, CEO of Business and Financial Times (B&FT)

Dr. Mrs. Edith Dankwa, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the most authoritative business newspaper, Business and Financial Times (B&FT), has made an appearance on YFM’s Y Leaderboard Series hosted by Rev.Erskine.

Dr. Dankwa engaged listeners of the show in an exciting conversation of her life journey, career, family, among other things.

From her humble beginnings in Osu, she recounted what fun meant when she was a child. She said, “Growing up was very exciting. The fun thing for us was looking forward to the weekend and visiting our grandparents”.

Dr. Dankwa noted that family was one great pillar in the successes she has chalked in life. She shared that growing up, she looked up to her aunties, her mother and other family members and that she believes has shaped her to who she is today.

According to her, she has always been determined to impart that kind of attention and love she received from her family to her children. Even as a busy woman, she finds time for her children and her wish is that every parent does so for their children.

“My daddy is still alive and stays with us now. He is close to eighty-eight (88) years. Up to today, he has been there for me. During challenging times, when he has to support, in any way, you would be surprised. If that has shaped me and formed me I think the best thing to do is to be there for my children.

If I can support my children with opportunities, I will do it to ensure that they become future leaders to help their society. I think that is the responsibility of every parent to ensure that the people we bring on this planet earth impact the society”, she said.

Speaking on how the B&FT newspaper was developed, she disclosed that while she was not part of the ownership structure at the beginning, her commitment to the brand made her part of it with time.

She related how she contributed to the growth of the newspaper when she said, I was knocking on doors to raise revenue for the brand. It became a norm that people will turn me down. People were reluctant to advertise in the B&FT. ‘There is Graphic and you want us to put our advertisement in Graphic?’, they would ask. But we explained that we have a niche and we are targeting the business community. So you will have to place it here. We made a case and then gradually, with determination, content, relevance and credibility of information, people loved to associate with it at some point and that is what has brought us this far”.

Dr. Dankwa did not conclude her conversation on the Y Leaderboard Series, without advising the Ghanaian youths on the path to take to success. She noted that the ordinary Ghanaian, especially the youth should take advantage of these opportunities at their disposal by looking around for them.

“We take things for granted but we have so much in Ghana. We have so many opportunities around us as at this moment and each one of us must be happy and proud to be a Ghanaian.

As a young Ghanaian who really wants to work and take advantage of the numerous opportunities, you will certainly find them by asking and look for them”, she said.

Programmes Manager of YFM Accra. Eddy Blay was pleased with the enthusiastic conversation with Dr. Dankwa.

“It was a great honour to host Dr. Mrs. Edith Dankwa on the Y Leaderboard Series. She is one who exhibits a true sense of patriotism. In the hour-long conversation, we had with her on the show, she encouraged the youth to show patriotism towards the country. People may not consider that as a factor to the success of youths and the country. But truly speaking, it does contribute to our development”, he said.