Business News of Sunday, 19 February 2023


My position on the DDEP remains same - Senyo Hosi shoots down U-turn claims

Senyo Hosi insists his position on the DDEP is the same Senyo Hosi insists his position on the DDEP is the same

The outspoken Convener of the Individual Bondholders Forum, Senyo Hosi, has stated that at no point has he gone back on his words over his comments on the governments Domestic Debt Exchange Programme (DDEP).

Senyo Hosi stated that the accusations that are being levelled against him that he has made a U-turn on his original strong stances on the DDEP are false.

Making this clear through a statement, he stressed that those pushing such an agenda failed to properly listen to him during his interview on Joy FM, a report has said.

“I have noted various commentaries on my interview on Joy FM’s News File on 11th February 2023. While I find some of the commentary unfortunate, I absolutely respect the right of anyone to form or hold their opinions. It is also obvious to me that many may have failed to listen to the full interview and may have lost the context of the discourse. For the avoidance of doubt, I find the representation I made as consistent with the position I have held,” he said.

Senyo Hosi insisted that his position on the matter, which includes the one that the DDEP is unfriendly to bondholders and financial sector trust, stands.

“I have one task: advocate and secure the investment interests of the IBF membership. I do not have a hate-and-bash-a-particular-person or government mandate. I will bash or commend when it gets me to the just realisation of the objects of the IBF membership I represent.

“All I am focused on is the protection of the legitimate interest of those who opted to trust in our advocacy. I am no poster boy for anyone’s political or personal vendetta. I pursue and stand for that which I believe in,” he stressed.

Several bondholders have kicked against the government’s introduction of the DDEP, although their agitations have not pushed the authorities to backdown.