Business News of Friday, 20 July 2018

Source: lands in Ghana

Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Abdul W. Annan Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Abdul W. Annan

A United States-based Information Technology training institute, My Cellphone Repairs Training Center (MCRTC) has announced its decision to expand its products and services to Ghana, with its first affiliate facility at the A&C Mall East Legon, Accra to provide premium mobile electronic sales, repairs and training.

The move is to enable the Center provide training and employment for Ghanaian youth on mobile electronic hardware service and maintenance.

In a proposal signed by its president and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Abdul W. Annan, a US based Ghanaian, MCRTC indicated its intent “to provide advance mobile electronic device hardware assembly, maintenance & training in the manner of reverse engineering of any and all mobile products of Disassembling and Assembling in order to rectify or repair any defects as needed, which includes refurbishment and software programming.”

MCRTC plans to set up one main service training center in each region in Ghana “for ease of access in the community centers and working with available state agencies to enroll youthful, knowledgeable and qualified individuals to train and provide support with proper manual guidance in reference to ensuring the efficiency of the process.”

“We will also be opening multiple retail locations, which will specialize in the sales, repairs and recycling of mobile phones and computers at an affordable cost. As such, we will be employing local Ghanaians, and will encourage, promote and aggressively pursue any advantages and opportunities that come our way.”

The Center is looking to train about 150 people per constituency nationwide depending on the population size of a given region.

Students who are to go through the training are to be issued a certificate of completion by MCRTC Inc. of the US which is accordingly accepted by mobile electronic service centers worldwide.

As part of the programme, students are expected to be trained on business development and advancement, focusing on small business management, including but not limited to product cost, sales point, and profitability and losses.

“With the provided skilled training in electronic disassembling, repairs and assembling, individuals will develop additional creativity, therefore creating more jobs and increasing the overall productivity of the youth and economy,” it said.

It expressed the belief that “Ghana has more than enough youthful workforce that can compete with other countries such as China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, among others, in the field of surplus labor for manufacturing and assembling of mobile electronics for major tech companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Motorola, HTC, ASUS, Lenovo etc.”

Providing reference in the proposal, MCRTC noted that “we have worked with members of US Department of Homeland Security, and major telecommunication companies such as AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizone.