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Business News of Friday, 21 June 2024


SSNIT-Rock City deal: Go after 'willing seller'; Bryan Acheampong did no wrong - NDC MP

Dr. Bryan Acheampong, Minister of Food and Agriculture Dr. Bryan Acheampong, Minister of Food and Agriculture

David Vondee, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament for Twifo Atti Morkwa, has defended underfire agric minister, Bryan Acheampong.

The minister has been widely critiqued over the planned purchase of major stake in some hotels belonging to the state-owned pensions outfit, SSNIT.

NDC MP for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has been the lead crusader in the matter accusing Bryan of engaging in conflict of interest situations through his Rock City Hotel outfit, the entity seeking to buy the SSNIT shares.

While Ablakwa and the Minority Caucus in parliament are demanding the deal be abrogated, the Twifo Atti Morkwa MP holds that their approach is wrong. He wants the NDC and all opponents of the deal to go after SSNIT, the willing seller of the state asset and to leave businessman Bryan Acheampong alone.

"I am very differing on the Bryan issue. Bryan is my friend so I talk about it differently. If you are selling something and I seek to buy it legally, under normal circumstances, I will buy it.

"So why is SSNIT that is seeking to sell our property being excused? And I don't know how the NDC will understand me. Why is SSNIT being left off the hook and Bryan is being attacked frontally?

"By all standards, Bryan is a businessman, I am a businessman, if you think you don't want to sell the hotels, stop the deal. The fact is that it is not good for the young man's business," he submitted on Accra-based Asempa FM on June 19.

Watch his submission below:


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