Business News of Saturday, 6 June 2020

Source: Beyonce Diamond Kpogli, Contributor

STN Ghana chapter elects Linda Yaa Ampah as the new president

Linda Yaa Ampah, president of the Stanford Seed Transformation Network, Ghana Linda Yaa Ampah, president of the Stanford Seed Transformation Network, Ghana

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Cadling Fashions and KAD Manufacturing Limited, Linda Yaa Ampah has been elected as the President of the Stanford Seed Transformation Network(STN), Ghana chapter.

At the handing over ceremony held in Accra on Tuesday June 2, 2020, Linda Yaa Ampah expressed her profound gratitude to the immediate past executives and all members for their benevolent work towards the development of the network.

According to her, "these are not ordinary times; there are enormous challenges business entities are facing now. Holding each other's hands and forging ahead we should overcome. My desire is to see us aspire to greater heights pursuing a vision that makes us stronger and even more relevant to our communities, the nation, our sub-region and beyond".

"The Seed Network is made up of different companies that cut across all sectors of the economy with a lot of potentials. Although it is a volunteer group, it is expected that we would commit to our guiding principles, work towards giving our best to the network, and furthering the cause of business."

STN Ghana members, our overall mission is to be catalysts for global impact. Our contribution towards that would be 'Aspiring to be the best STN in Africa and beyond' with the objective of creating a vibrant network for all members and engaging productively with different publics. These are broken down into specific objectives which will be shared with the new team", she noted.

She then urged all members of the network to work diligently to move STN Ghana to the next level and deliver on their mandate with transparency and accountability.