Business News of Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Source: Atom Expo

Second Atomexpo Awards to be held at ATOMEXPO 2019

Second Atomexpo Awards ceremony will take place during the 11th International Forum ATOMEXPO 2019 Second Atomexpo Awards ceremony will take place during the 11th International Forum ATOMEXPO 2019

The Second Atomexpo Awards ceremony will take place during the 11th International Forum ATOMEXPO 2019 in Russia’s southern city of Sochi on April 15–16.

Atomexpo Awards is an international professional accolade celebrating outstanding achievements in the nuclear industry and the use of nuclear energy for the benefit of humankind.

Awards will be presented in five categories:

- Nuclear Technologies for a Better Life. Awarded to the best projects in non-energy application of nuclear technologies: nuclear medicine, security technologies, non-destructive testing, processing technologies, etc. - Innovations for the Future. Awarded to the most innovative technological projects in construction, operation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities, and nuclear engineering projects.

- Best Launch. Awarded to the best projects regarding launch of the national nuclear energy programmes.

- Public Communication. Awarded to the most effective communications projects.

- Human Capital Development. Awarded to the best projects aimed at developing human resources for nuclear energy programmes. Five separate panels of judges will choose a winner in each category. The panels will include global nuclear industry leaders, such as former Director-General of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Luis E. Echávarri, Senior Advisor at Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (JAIF) Takuya Hattori, member of the board of Akkuyu Nuclear and Fennovoima Ltd. Henri Proglio, and others.

Applications will be accepted until March 15, 2019. The terms of participation and online applications can be found on the Forum website at