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Business News of Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Source: Ameyaw Debrah

Sub-regional Africa Small and Medium Enterprises Conference coming soon

Africa's share of world trade has declined continuously since the 1960's. Today trade is just a small share of African economies. While much of the trade done is in a few commodities, leaving African countries vulnerable to market fluctuations, while offering little in terms of value-added production, diversifying its export base and innovation in its investment are becoming critical to Africa's long-term economic growth.

Some quick and decisive thinking requires of us to keep on finding ways to improve our community livelihood by building upon the existing efforts of those who defined through policy making stronger development actions.

Thus, on November 24 to 26 2010 in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire DreamBackers Enterprises Inc. will be hosting the first round of ASMEC-Africa Small & Medium Enterprises’ Sub-Regional Conference. By launch this economic conference on African entrepreneurship we hope to lay some additional brick lines of hope upon which, we, as Africa community bounded by our common destiny and aspiration are opening the way to ensure the rise of a generation of new entrepreneurs, proficient enough to create creation mass employment opportunity for our women, men and youth.

One of the chief goals of our ASMEC - Africa Small & Medium Enterprises Conference is to promote the SME as one of the main pillars of the continent overall economic growth, and a key means of doing that is by better integrating Africa local entrepreneurs and Africa Diaspora Direct Investment into the a sustainable economy strategy, by better linking its markets with markets throughout the world. And this would give Africa greater access to advanced technology and expertise while increasing its entrepreneurship initiatives on a unique public, private and NGOs partnership model.

Host of experts from diverse horizons will impact us with views, strategies and means to reach incrementally our objectives.


MAIN THEME: Fostering Public, Private and NGO Partnership in SME Development in West-Africa

PLENARY 1. Global Business Connections & Product Innovation 2. Women Entrepreneurs Future in West-Africa 3. Banking & Funding SME 4. Impacts of the International Financial Crisis on West-Africa 5. Entrepreneurship Vision, Management and Marketing 6. What Future for the West-Africa Yong Entrepreneurs 7. Programme details are available at