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Business News of Tuesday, 14 February 2023


Today in History: Beware if IMF praises you; there’s a diabolical intention – Kwesi Pratt

Editor of the Insight Newspaper, Kwesi Pratt Jnr Editor of the Insight Newspaper, Kwesi Pratt Jnr

Managing Editor of the Insight newspaper, Kwesi Pratt Jnr in October 2019 stated that the International Monetary Fund is "untruthful and unreliable".

His comment came on the back of a commendation from the IMF that Ghana’s economy is in good shape.

"I get amazed when there is a whole lot of debate on IMF because there’s a history that shows they are not reliable and untruthful. They didn’t speak the truth to President Kufuor and they didn’t speak the truth to former President Rawlings; they have never spoken the truth and whenever they praise you, you should be careful because it might be diabolical” he said while contributing to a panel discussion on Peace FM morning show ‘Kokrokoo’ in 2019.

Read the full story originally published on October 14, 2019 by GhanaWeb

The Managing Editor of the Insight newspaper, Kwesi Pratt Jnr seems not to be happy with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

He is of the view that the financial organization is ‘untruthful and unreliable".

His comment comes on the back of a commendation from the IMF that Ghana’s economy is in good shape.

According to Kwesi Pratt whenever the IMF praises you, you must take it with a pinch of salt.

"I get amazed when there is a whole lot of debate on IMF because there’s a history that shows they are not reliable and untruthful. They didn’t speak the truth to President Kufuor and they didn’t speak the truth to former President Rawlings; they have never spoken the truth and whenever they praise you, you should be careful because it might be diabolical” he said while contributing to a panel discussion on Peace FM morning show ‘Kokrokoo’.

He went on further to give examples and instances to back his claim.