Business News of Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Source: Benjamin Sowah

Total Startupper a challenge to every entrepreneur - Employment Minister

Ignatius Baffour Awuah  speaking during the launch of  Total Startupper Ignatius Baffour Awuah speaking during the launch of Total Startupper

The Minister for Employment and Labour Relations, Ignatius Baffour Awuah has called on young Ghanaian entrepreneurs to take up the Total Startupper challenge which is aimed at promoting economic development in the country by assisting businesses.

According to the Minister for Employment, Ignatius Baffour Awuah who was the keynote speaker at the launch, he said the project was timely and relevant because it seeks to complement the various interventions introduced by Government. He added that the objective of the project is to encourage young entrepreneurs to achieve their dreams.

“Entrepreneurs are national assets that need to be cultivated, motivated and remunerated as they can change the way we live and work. Total Petroleum Ghana has embarked on several social projects which create more jobs, build the youth and improve Ghanaian economy holistically. This Start upper of the year by Total is a challenge to every entrepreneur. ” Mr. Baffour Awuah said.

“I am impressed about how the first edition of the start upper of the year challenge has benefited not only the winners but the society at large. It is notable to know that Total as a company is going beyond the numerous direct and indirect jobs their core petroleum activity and is creating by pushing support for entrepreneurship among Ghanaian youth.”

Winner of the first edition, Joshua Ayinbora has his agribusiness company Groital Company Ltd, where he cultivates pineapple, pawpaw and vegetables in the Eastern Region. Products from Groital Company Ltd and other participants of the project are being sold in Total Bonjour shops across the country.

The Managing Director of Total Ghana, Eric Fanchini emphasized that the petroleum company are determined to offer solutions to the challenges in the societies through their numerous projects.

Eric Fanchini said, “We hope to help with access to employment through the Startupper Challenge and other initiatives like the Young Dealer scheme. We also contribute to employment through the Total Young Graduate Programme, a career development and empowerment programme aimed at building and equipping the newly-graduated youth with skills through global exposure and practical experience.

The Startupper of the year by Total Challenge is an initiative of the Total Group to serve as a major support for business creation and development in African countries and the rest of the world. This is done by helping the boldest and most innovative entrepreneurs carry out their projects