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Business News of Thursday, 7 September 2017


Traders and transport operators frown at relocation

Some of the aggrieved traders and drivers said they are afraid of losing their source of livelihood Some of the aggrieved traders and drivers said they are afraid of losing their source of livelihood

Transport operators and traders at Aboabo station in the asokore Mampong municipality of the Ashanti region are not happy about the decision by the assembly to relocate them to the Asawase Market to make way for the construction of offices and lorry terminal.

Some of the aggrieved traders and drivers who spoke to Otec fm‘s Nana Asare Barima explained that they are not against the construction of the Lorry Terminal but are afraid of losing their source of livelihood.

They however pleaded with the assembly to allocate a small area at the Aboabo station for them to operate temporarily whiles construction is being done.

Assembly member for Akwatia Line electoral area, Hon. Bayie admonished the concerns of the traders and revealed that the leadership of the traders and transport operators embraced the project when they met with the assembly.

He however charged the Assembly to speed up the project for transport operators to return and resume business activities at the terminal.

Hon. Bayie expressed surprise at comments by a section of the traders that the relocation is aimed at collapsing their business and advised them to discard that notion.

According to the assembly member, the project is expected to be completed in six months after which the place will be allocated to the various transport owners and traders to operate.

”It will be much safer to work at the station after completion of the project than it’s current state because the dreamed place will be much safer and business friendly,” he stressed.

He therefore pleaded with them to bear with the assembly as the project is never an attempt to collapse their businesses but to prepare a conducive environment for them to operate.

“Though it is not easy to operate in a new environment with challenges and other hitches that may hinder their activities, they should endure for just six months with the hope that the place after completion will be an incredible edifice to serve their interests,” he assured.