Business News of Monday, 8 June 2020

Source: Promasidor Ghana

Two more communities benefit from Cowbell borehole project

Community leaders of Freboye drinking water from the borehole after the sod cutting ceremony Community leaders of Freboye drinking water from the borehole after the sod cutting ceremony

Two more deprived communities in the Ashanti region can now boast of potable water after Cowbell commissioned boreholes in both towns.

The two communities, Freboye and Pekyrekye in the Bosome Freho and Asante Akyem North district respectively did not have access to safe drinking water prior to the commissioning.

The case of Freboye was even more alarming, as the only community health centre located in the town and serving other areas did not have any regular source of water in the management of the centre.

Marketing and Human Resource Manager for PGH in two separate commissioning ceremonies in Freboye and Pekyrekye respectively, expressed their excitement about the projects. They both further re-emphazised the commitment of the Cowbell brand to invest more in community support initiatives.

The chiefs of both communities on their parts shared their plight due to the unavailability of potable water and further took the opportunity to express the joy and relief the project will bring to their communities.

The Cowbell borehole project is a community support initiative by the brand to construct 20 boreholes in selected deprived communities across the country that had no access to safe drinking water. The project forms part of the 20th anniversary celebration activities of the Cowbell brand which started in the year 2019.

In our next publication, we will take you to a community that relied on maggot infested water until Cowbell intervened.

Chief of Freboye officially commissions the borehole for the town