Business News of Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Source: radioxyzonline

UNICOF meets GCB management over impasse

The Union of Industry, Commerce and Finance Workers is meeting management of Ghana Commercial Bank (GCB) over the latest workers agitations.

Information picked up by XYZ BUSINESS suggests that the workers union has petitioned President Mahama and the Bank of Ghana over their impasse with management.

They are protesting the 2013/2014 collective bargaining agreement and the service conditions for members of management particularly the Managing Director.

XYZ BUSINESS has also learnt that the National Consultative Council of the bank is worried the agitation can affect operations of GCB.

In July, the workers threatened a demonstration following management’s lukewarm attitude towards approving their 2013/2014 collective bargaining agreement.

While management is proposing a 9 percent salary increases and maintaining the current status quo of 5 percent of basic salary for rent allowance the workers are demanding a 35 percent salary increase and 20 percent of basic salary for rent allowance.

Management of the bank has already written to the National Labour Commission to intervene.
