Business News of Monday, 29 May 2017


Use social media to deal with management crisis - Former White House Spokesperson

Former White House Spokesperson under George W. Bush; Alex Conant has advised organisations in the country to use social media as an effective way of dealing with management crisis.

According to him, since bad news or problems of an organisation spreads at a very fast rate on social media, communicators and managers of organisations must take advantage of the platform in addressing the problem.

This he said will prevent the media from getting upper hand information about the crisis, enabling the organisation to deal with their problems faster.

Speaking in an interview with, Alex Conant revealed how companies are currently facing more crisis than in the past. He said everyday occurrences that used to be ignored are now been captured by people who end up posting them on various social media platforms.

This according to him spreads out really fast which influences how social media changes the way people deal with crisis.

Addressing participants at a Crisis Communication Workshop held at the Labadi Beach Hotel in Accra Monday, May 29, Alex Conant outlined several ways in which organisations can deal with crisis. He mentioned; knowing how to prepare for a crisis, what to do when crisis hits and the dos and don’ts of managing crisis as the best methods in resolving organizational crisis.