Business News of Tuesday, 23 February 2021


‘We need soft loans’ – Kaneshie traders appeal to government

Traders explained that the pandemic had negatively impacted Traders explained that the pandemic had negatively impacted

Traders at the Kaneshie Market are calling on government to support them with soft loans to help boost their trading activities since COVID-19 has jeopardized the growth of their businesses.

The traders explained that the pandemic had negatively impacted their business and trading activities making it difficult to make profits. A number of these traders spoke to a GhanaWeb reporter in an interview.

“The pandemic has affected us badly, all the loans we took to run the business is wasted because people are not buying, the lockdown even added more troubles to the problems we were facing, we are unable to pay the loans,” they said.

According to them high-interest rate from the banks and inability to access loans that can support them grow their businesses, allied with the pandemic had affected their businesses due to the rising prices of items on the market.

“Some of the traders have to even close their shops due to the inability to pay back the loans they took from the banks, they have been home for some time now, we are begging the government to make the system soft for us so we can get the loans that have a low-interest rate,” they added.