Business News of Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Source: GNA

adb launches ‘deposit and get a reward promo’

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The Agricultural Development Bank Limited (adb) will for the next four months reward both new and existing customers with exciting prizes in its “Deposit and get a reward promotion”.

The exciting prizes to be won are smart phones, LED television sets and call top ups.

Mr Alfred Neneh Akotiah, the Executive Head of Retail Banking at adb, said the promotion seeks to reward new and existing customers of the bank for their continuous loyalty and patronage over the years.

“More than 150,000 customers will be rewarded with call top ups, LED television sets, smart phones and other souvenirs for the next 120 days just by depositing GH?300 in their accounts,” he said.

Under the mechanics of the promotion, Mr Akotiah said both existing and new customers would have to deposit GH¢300 and retain it for two weeks and they would instantly win free air time.

He said customers with more deposits would be rewarded with quality smart phones, 42 and 32 inch LED television sets and other branded souvenirs from the Bank.

He said that there would be three mini award events in December, January and February where ten top depositors would be rewarded with smart phones and other souvenirs each month.

At the final presentation, the top five depositors would win 42 inch LED television sets with other depositors winning 32 inch LED Television and quality smart phones and other branded souvenirs from the bank.

“There is going to be a reward for everyone because at adb we believe everyone is a winner,” he said.

Mr Akotiah urged the public to walk into any of the 78 branches of the bank across the country and deposit to get a reward.

The promotion starts from November 2, 2015 to February 29, 2016.
