Say it again. Ghana is becoming a lawlessness country. The security services should up their game.
Say it again. Ghana is becoming a lawlessness country. The security services should up their game.
New order 5 days ago
Arrest the one that comes with a transformer to sell to ecg in that area
Arrest the one that comes with a transformer to sell to ecg in that area
Hannan 5 days ago
` Hot girls are waiting for you on --~>
` Hot girls are waiting for you on --~>
jacksparrow 4 days ago
arrest should made to all scraps dealers with the areas and towns. They will own up who did it. people vehicles and motor bikes are been sold as scraps . police should deal with the scraps deals first.
arrest should made to all scraps dealers with the areas and towns. They will own up who did it. people vehicles and motor bikes are been sold as scraps . police should deal with the scraps deals first.
What country are we leaving in?.
Say it again. Ghana is becoming a lawlessness country. The security services should up their game.
Arrest the one that comes with a transformer to sell to ecg in that area
` Hot girls are waiting for you on --~>
arrest should made to all scraps dealers with the areas and towns. They will own up who did it. people vehicles and motor bikes are been sold as scraps . police should deal with the scraps deals first.