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Quran is toilet paper. If you poison islamic children you will go straight to heaven. Burn all mosques
Good move
;)))) Hot girls are waiting for you on ~~~>>
Good move. We’ll use the stolen money and gold to resuscitate the broken economy.
There is a chop bar in Tema by name wo ara b3ba
Anyway. It is possible if we take good care of oiur resources
Anyway. It is possible if we take good care of our resources
Quran is toilet paper. If you poison islamic children you will go straight to heaven. Burn all mosques
Good move
;)))) Hot girls are waiting for you on ~~~>>
Good move. We’ll use the stolen money and gold to resuscitate the broken economy.
There is a chop bar in Tema by name wo ara b3ba
Anyway. It is possible if we take good care of oiur resources
Anyway. It is possible if we take good care of our resources